Andrew Wommack daily devotional For Today 18TH APRIL 2020
Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional For Today 18TH APRIL 2020: I know you must be looking for Daily devotional by Andrew Wommack for today 18TH APRIL 2020 with the Topic: SERVANT POWER. a daily devotion from Andrew Wommack for today is no doubt one of the most sorts after Christian daily devotional readings. So for those who have been searching for the daily devotional with Andrew Wommack, it is available on this website and you can even download it if you want by saving it as a bookmark on your device. daily devotional reading Andrew Wommack is something every Christian believer should read often to improve on their Christian lives and activities on a daily basis. with this, you can stay at home and read through the message and text being used in the devotional.
Daily devotions with Andrew Wommack
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daily devotion from Andrew Wommack is available for free download on this site, Download Andrew Wommack daily devotional using this link below.
Andrew Wommack daily devotional – Details
- Pastor: Andrew Wommack
- Devotional: –
- Genre: Daily Devotional by Andrew Wommack for today 18TH APRIL 2020
- Status : Andrew Wommack daily devotional is available on this site
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Today’s Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional 18TH APRIL 2020
Andrew Wommack free daily devotional for today and topic : SERVANT POWER has been published on this website for you to read and keep yourself busy if you were not able to get your hands on it from the church followers or those who attends the worship for the day. download Andrew Wommack daily devotional on this site.
Andrew Wommack daily devotional for today 18TH APRIL 2020
Andrew Wommack devotional for today is here. The word of God is food to the spirit man. Read and digest the word of the lord for today and see how powerfully it will impact you.Andrew-Wommack Daily devotion
MARK 4:41
‘And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’
TEXT: MARK 4:35-41
Click here for yesterday’s Message by Andrew Wommack
When God created this physical world and all of its inhabitants, He gave mankind authority to rule and subdue His creation. Although God still owned the universe and all that was in it, He gave control of the earth to man.
When man sinned, he began to use this power against God’s wishes. God did not ordain all the terrible things that have happened throughout history, and yet He did not take back man’s right to dominate the earth. Instead, He became a man and took back that authority to Himself by conquest.
After Jesus’ resurrection, He said in Matthew 28:18, ‘…All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,’ and then He gave the great commission to His disciples, thereby conferring that authority upon them, also. Jesus becoming flesh was absolutely essential for gaining all power (or authority) in heaven and in earth.
Jesus was a ‘God-man.’ As stated in 1 Timothy 3:16, He was God manifested in the flesh, which is a great mystery.
Jesus came in the power and authority of His Father to point men to the Father God. Jesus existed before His advent on this earth in the form of God and was equal with God; yet, He humbled Himself and became a servant while here on earth. He did not come to promote Himself but to give Himself as the way unto the Father.
This is radically different from the way so called ‘great men’ present themselves. The Roman Caesar of Jesus’ day proclaimed that he was God and demanded worship.
Lesser leaders ruled by exalting themselves over the people they governed. But, Jesus showed us that ‘whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many’ (Mt. 20:26-28).
This message was written by The Association of Related Ministries International (ARMI) which is an extension of Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM)