Samsong – Wokebiro Mp3 Download: If you’ve been searching for the song Wokebiro by Samsong is now available on this site. Samsong is a Nigerian Gospel artist and inspirational song writer. Samsong Released a song with the title Wokebiro which you can download right away. Download “Wokebiro” by Samsong free , Audio, Free mp3, video download, Song Lyrics, MP4, is available
So if you’ve been looking for The song Wokebiro by Samsong, then look no more as it is right here and available for free download. All you have to do is to use the link below to download Samsong Wokebiro mp3, (audio, video, Mp4).
The Song Wokebiro By Samsong is available for free download on this site, Download Wokebiro by Samsong Mp3, mp4, audio, video, lyrics using this link below.
Download Samsong Wokebiro Mp3
- Artist: Samsong
- Song: Wokebiro by Samsong
- Genre: Samsong is a Gospel Song Artist
- Status : Samsong – Wokebiro Mp3 Download is available on this site
Download Wokebiro Samsong Mp3
Download Wokebiro by Samsong, Samsong – Wokebiro mp3 download, Download Samsong Wokebiro mp3, Samsong Wokebiro Music, video, audio, Song Lyrics, Mp4, free mp3
Samsong Wokebiro video download – Mp4
Samsong – Wokebiro mp4 Download: We usually post both mp3 and Video version of any song on this site. so if the music video of the song download Wokebiro by Samsong is available, then you should see it here as you read which you can watch or download immediately. but if not, then you will only see, Samsong Wokebiro mp3 Download.
This means you will have to wait until the Video of the song Wokebiro by Samsong Mp4 Download is available if it has not been uploaded on this site yet. so you can just download the mp3 version of the song Wokebiro by Samsong.
Samsong Wokebiro Lyrics
If the Gospel Song Wokebiro Lyrics by Samsong is available, then it will be published here . but if not, it will be updated as usual later. So check lyrics of the song Wokebiro by Samsong below.
Lord You are my heart desire You are the one that makes my soul rejoice
Lord You are my rock and shelter In Holy reverence do I lift my voice Wekobiro
You are my love You are my life
You are my joy
You are the light that guides my path Wekobiro
You are the present You are the past You are the future You are the God that’s bigger than time Wekobiro
Agbada buru
Ovie nu tagboru Wekobiro
You are the pillar of my life
Agbada buru
Ovie nu tagboru Wekobiro
You are the center of my joy Wekobiro
Do do do do wekobiro
do Ogeneme do
Do do do do wekobiro
do Ogeneme do
How do I start to count my blessings
You are in time when no one else would do Wekobiro
With a grateful heart I kneel and worship Aba Father I want more of You Wekobiro
The air that I breathe The song that I sing The life that I live In the storm You are my peace Wekobiro
Jehovah Rapha Jehovah Shama Jehovah Jareh My present help in times of need Wekobiro
Agbada buru
Ovie nu tagboru Wekobiro
You are the pillar of my life Wekobiro
Agbada buru
Ovie nu tagboru Wekobiro
You are the center of my joy Wekobiro
Do do do do wekobiro do Ogeneme do
Do do do do wekobiro do Ogeneme do Repeat 3X
(Ogeneme do Solomuedo Do ogeneh do Wekobiro do
Agbada buru do
Do ogeneh do
Ogeneme wure do
Do ogeneh do) Do do do do, do do do do, do ogeneh do, wekobiro do Ogeneme do
(adlibbs – for all the things You’ve done For all the battles won do ogeneh do. Even if I have a million tongues Still won’t be enough To tell the things You’ve done Do ogeneh do You’re the source of my joy My shelter and my peace I don’t where I would have been Lord if it wasn’t for You It’s all about You Do ogeneh do